Nothing can replace the bearing power and ability of the soil full of microbial life!
Nowadays we can not imagine effective soil grounding and creating safety for the next culture – while doing intensive farming – without creating harmony between biological preparations and chemical nutrient replacers. By inoculation we put bacteria with useful properties into the soil. Poor soil life leads to biological disbalance, thereupon to decreaded yield and soil fertility.
With creating stalk degradation the territory of pathogenic fungi living on stem residues – or in the soil – ceases, thus the number of harmful organisms living in the soil remarkably decreases. Their nutrition and propagation comes down. Thus the number of harmful soil-living microorganisms and other living beings decreases. Due to biological properties of bacteria strains of the inoculants the propagation of harmful fungi comes down. As a result, various plant diseases are less harmful (e.g. fusarium contagion).
Stabilisation and growth of the crop safety and -quantity. The nutrient supplying ability and the structure of the soil increases. This ameliorates the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. A mark of increased soil life is the increasing number of worms. The “odor” of the soil, which is caused by actinobacteria, can be felt. Healthy soil effects healthy plants. This contributes to increasing yield safety and sustainable farming.
With use of the Biofil Post Harvest technology the degradation of organic materials accelerates, plants get access to nutrients and hummus materials of higher quality are formed. The inoculants contain nitrogen-fixing, phosphorus-, and potassium-disclosing bacteria which provide appropriate nutrient supply for plants. Due to more active soil life the applied chemical fertilizers are utilized in larger amount and scale.
Improvement of the water-, and heat-managing properties of the growing substance. Due to better soil structure the precipitation can reach deeper soil layers more easily, and become a storage to provide water for certain cultures in case of drought. The improved soil structure is also beneficial in case of problems with inland inundation, the extra precipitation and the internal water remaining in the fields leaks faster.
Due to improvement of soil cultivation abilities the need for machinery used in farming decreases. After a while even problematic soil structures ameliorate. Due to experiences these ameliorated soils perform better when tilled, and it is easier to operate on them. The consumption of machines decreases, they will need less fuel and this will lead to significant economy of fuel. Thus cropping will become more economic.
The grown cultures’ resistance against drought, inland inundation and ice damages increase. It can be explained partly with soil structure amelioration, active soil life and the well-functioning defensive system of healthy plants. The plants’ vegetative (rich root apparatus, intensive formation of leafs and stems) and generative (flower and crop forming) organs develop better due to growth hormones produced by bacteria.

1. picture Certain degradation processes in the soils
In 1. picture we can see various degradation processes, but unfortunately it can not show their seriousness. These effects are usually strongly connected to each other. As for farming, it is obvious that for every farmer problems of their own plots are determining.

3. picture Importance and functions of the supply of organic materials
It is very important to prevent the decrease of organic matter in the soil, because it plays an important role in soil condition and soil life. (3. picture)

3. picture Importance and functions of the supply of organic materials
It is very important to prevent the decrease of organic matter in the soil, because it plays an important role in soil condition and soil life. (3. picture)
Importance of stalk and plant residue degradation
- Nutrients accumulated in organic materials become more accessible
- Utilization of agronomical benefits from humification of organic materials
- Diminution of stalk residues which mean a life territory for certain pests, where they sedentate and overwinter
- Easier to avoid difficulties which arise from organic materials remaining after agrotechnical operations
- The amount of nutrients returned into soil increases
- The amount of chemical fertilizers applied to the soil can decrease
- The soil structure ameliorates
- Due to slackened soil structure and decreasing soil resistance machines work easier, thus the amount of fuel used decreases.